Beat Bad Habits and Become Productive

Lina Kim
3 min readJul 7, 2021

Productivity is something that we all would like to have- most of the time. Although, sometimes bad habits get in the way of our productive selves. We all have that productive person somewhere within us, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Identify your most productive time of day.

Do you work better during the day or night? Discover when you’re the most productive and take advantage of your time. Schedule your day accordingly and try to get your work done during these peak hours.

Write It Down.

Ensure you write down every task that you need to get done. Tasks can be easily forgotten and left uncompleted if not written down. Having reminders of what needs to be done is essential for a productive lifestyle. TO-DO lists allow you to manage your time as it makes it easy to see what has been done and what needs to be done.

Try to get into your Flow State.

Your flow state is a mental state of being fully engaged when doing a task or activity, also known as being in the zone. Being in this state allows you to maximise productivity and efficiency. When you first get started, it may be difficult to focus but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Start with trying to focus for 5 minutes and gradually increase it, with time you’ll be able to focus for longer periods.

Fix your posture.

A good posture doesn’t only burn calories but it can increase productivity. Your posture can instantly change the way you feel about yourself. This adjustment alone can encourage you to get your work done.

Meditation, just breathe.

Take 5 minutes to yourself each day. Meditation is known for improving well-being, focus, and overall quality of life. Whenever I’m faced with stress, I take a deep breath (inhaling for 5 seconds and exhaling for 10). Just doing this breathing exercise instantly relaxes my body and centers me to the present.

It doesn’t need to be perfect.

Perfectionism can slow you down with work with much of your day being wasted on trying to get something to be “perfect”. This mindset can be very toxic and cause you to fall into the habit of procrastination. Focus on getting things done, having something done is better than nothing. Aim for progression, not perfection.

Eat a healthy breakfast

Food is your body’s fuel so it’s crucial to be careful of what you put inside your body. Eating healthy foods will make you feel energised, preparing you to have a productive day. You can physically feel the difference once you have healthy foods compared to junk foods. To have a productive day, make sure you eat a nutritious meal beforehand.


It can be difficult to get up and start moving but exercise is beneficial in various ways, mentally and physically. Some people prefer exercising after they’ve finished work and some prefer releasing endorphins early in the morning. Test out what works for you. Exercise is known to increase your tolerance to pain, inherently this makes you feel more relaxed when facing stress. By implementing exercise in your daily routine, you feel calmer when facing work stress, boosting productivity.

Take control.

The only moment we have control of is the moment we have NOW. To get things done and to reach your goals, actively take action right NOW. You are in control of your DESTINY, consciously choose to reach your goals.

Just DO IT.

Just DO IT. Things do not naturally come to you, you have to take action for something to happen. Take action and BELIEVE.

Websites & APPS for living a productive lifestyle

Here are a few websites & apps I’ve used to live a more productive lifestyle.





Thank you for reading!

